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Working Groups RG Fischer, RG Rizzoli, RG Zafeiriou, RG Zimmermann
SubprojectRA1.2, RA2.2
Open AccessOpen Access Yes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Peer ReviewedYes
PMIDPubMed ID 34633146
DOIDOI 10.15252/emmm.202013659
Publication Year2021
TitleA microRNA signature that correlates with cognition and is a target against cognitive decline Wikidata
JournalEMBO Molecular Medicine
Journal AbbreviationEMBO Mol Med
AuthorsIslam MR, Kaurani L, Berulava T, Heilbronner U, Budde M, Centeno TP, Elerdashvili V, Zafieriou M, Benito E, Sertel SM, Goldberg M, Senner F, Kalman JL, Burkhardt S, Oepen AS, Sakib MS, Kerimoglu C, Wirths O, Bickeböller H, Bartels C, Brosseron F, Buerger K, Cosma N, Fliessbach K, Heneka MT, Janowitz D, Kilimann I, Kleinedam L, Laske C, Metzger CD, Munk MH, Perneczky R, Peters O, Priller J, Rauchmann BS, Roy N, Schneider A, Spottke A, Spruth EJ, Teipel S, Tscheuschler M, Wagner M, Wiltfang J, Düzel E, Jessen F, Rizzoli SO, Zimmermann W, Schulze TG, Falkai P, Sananbenesi F, Fischer A
First AuthorIslam MR
Last AuthorFischer A
ScholiaScholia Wikidata-based representation at Scholia

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 9606  NCBI taxonomy (human, Homo sapiens)

 10090  NCBI taxonomy (mouse, Mus musculus)

 0000-0002-9329-8912  ORCID identifier (Tonatiuh Pena Centeno)

 0000-0003-4604-4175  ORCID identifier (Maria Patapia Zafeiriou)

 0000-0002-0706-7529  ORCID identifier (Maria Goldberg)

 0000-0001-6523-5925  ORCID identifier (Cemil Kerimoglu)

 0000-0002-4115-0334  ORCID identifier (Oliver Wirths)

 0000-0003-3137-7516  ORCID identifier (Frederic Brosseron)

 0000-0002-2656-8046  ORCID identifier (Nicoleta Carmen Cosma)

 0000-0003-4996-1630  ORCID identifier (Michael Thomas Heneka)

 0000-0003-1981-7435  ORCID identifier (Robert Perneczky)

 0000-0003-4547-6240  ORCID identifier (Boris-Stephan Rauchmann)

 0000-0003-1492-5330  ORCID identifier (Jens Wiltfang)

 0000-0002-1667-7839  ORCID identifier (Silvio-Olivier Rizzoli)

 0000-0003-1190-4040  ORCID identifier (Wolfram-Hubertus Zimmermann)

 0000-0002-2123-7694  ORCID identifier (Farahnaz Sananbenesi)

 0000-0001-8546-1161  ORCID identifier (André Fischer)

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 Q112713848  Wikidata ID

Linked Antibodies

PIDAGTypeAntigen symbolAntibody Registry IDName
primary-0118primarySYPAB_1210382Anti-Synaptophysin 1 antibody