Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
The small molecule inhibitor anle145c thermodynamically traps human islet amyloid peptide in the form of non-cytotoxic oligomers(Open Access) Saravanan MS, Ryazanov S, (...), Killian JAScientific Reports2019
Autosomal-Recessive Mutations in MESD Cause Osteogenesis ImperfectaMoosa S, Yamamoto GL, (...), Netzer CAmerican Journal of Human Genetics2019
Graphene-based metal-induced energy transfer for sub-nanometre optical localizationGhosh A, Sharma A, (...), Enderlein JNature Photonics2019
Testing for dependence on tree structures(Open Access) Behr M, Ansari MA, Munk A, Holmes CbioRxiv2019
Eukaryotic Transcription Turns 50(Open Access) Cramer PCell2019
Late-stage Anle138b treatment ameliorates tau pathology and metabolic decline in a mouse model of human Alzheimer’s disease tau(Open Access) Brendel M, Deussing M, (...), Rominger AAlzheimers Research & Therapy2019
Depopulation of dense α-synuclein aggregates is associated with rescue of dopamine neuron dysfunction and death in a new Parkinson’s disease model(Open Access) Wegrzynowicz M, Bar-On D, (...), Spillantini MGActa Neuropathologica2019
Structure of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeller RSC bound to a nucleosome(Open Access) Wagner FR, Dienemann C, (...), Cramer PbioRxiv2019
Structural Basis of Poxvirus Transcription: Transcribing and Capping Vaccinia Complexes(Open Access) Hillen HS, Bartuli J, (...), Cramer PCell2019
Tricalbin-Mediated Contact Sites Control ER Curvature to Maintain Plasma Membrane Integrity(Open Access) Collado J, Kalemanov M, (...), Fernández-Busnadiego RDevelopmental Cell2019