Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
The epitranscriptomic m6A RNA modification modulates synaptic function in ageing and in a mouse model of synucleinopathy(Open Access) Chopra A, Xylaki M, (...), Outeiro TFbioRxiv2024
The lincRNA Pantr1 is a FOXG1 target gene conferring site-specific chromatin binding of FOXG1(Open Access) Gather F, Rauleac T, (...), Vogel TbioRxiv2024
Variational calculus approach to Zernike polynomials with application to FCS(Open Access) Gligonov I, Enderlein JBiophysical Journal2024
Cryo-EM structures of lipidic fibrils of amyloid-β (1-40)(Open Access) Frieg B, Han M, (...), Schröder GFNature Communications2024
Resolution of transcription-induced hexasome-nucleosome complexes by Chd1 and FACT(Open Access) Engeholm M, Roske JJ, (...), Farnung LMolecular Cell2024
Chemical crosslinking extends and complements UV crosslinking in analysis of RNA/DNA nucleic acid–protein interaction sites by mass spectrometry(Open Access) Welp LM, Sachsenberg T, (...), Urlaub HbioRxiv2024
Defective mitochondrial COX1 translation due to loss of COX14 function triggers ROS-induced inflammation in mouse liver(Open Access) Aich A, Boshnakovska A, (...), Rehling PNature Communications2024
A Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of the Mouse Hippocampus After Voluntary Exercise(Open Access) Methi A, Islam MR, (...), Fischer AMolecular Neurobiology2024
Coupled infectious disease and behavior dynamics. A review of model assumptions(Open Access) Reitenbach A, Sartori F, (...), Mäs MReports on Progress in Physics2024
Molecular Dynamics Trajectories Exploring the Impact of Phosphorylation on the Physiological Form of Human alpha-Synuclein in Aqueous Solution(Open Access) de Bruyn E, Dorn A, (...), Carloni PZenodo2024