Published Data Registry

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Title ▴AuthorsJournalPublication year
Transport Dependency: Optimal Transport Based Dependency Measures(Open Access) Nies TG, Staudt T, Munk AarXiv2021
Tricalbin-Mediated Contact Sites Control ER Curvature to Maintain Plasma Membrane Integrity(Open Access) Collado J, Kalemanov M, (...), Fernández-Busnadiego RDevelopmental Cell2019
Truncated titin proteins and titin haploinsufficiency are targets for functional recovery in human cardiomyopathy due to TTN mutationsFomin A, Gärtner A, (...), Linke WAScience Translational Medicine2021
Two distinct mechanisms of RNA polymerase II elongation stimulation in vivoŽumer K, Maier KC, (...), Cramer PMolecular Cell2021
Two mechanisms drive pronuclear migration in mouse zygotes(Open Access) Scheffler K, Uraji J, (...), Schuh MNature Communications2021
Two-color live-cell STED nanoscopy by click labeling with cell-permeable fluorophores(Open Access) Gregor C, Grimm F, Rehman J, Wurm CA, Egner AbioRxiv2022
Ultrastructural Correlates of Presynaptic Functional Heterogeneity in Hippocampal Synapses(Open Access) Maus L, Lee C, (...), Cooper BHCell Reports2020
Ultrastructural Imaging of Activity-Dependent Synaptic Membrane-Trafficking Events in Cultured Brain Slices(Open Access) Imig C, López-Murcia FJ, (...), Cooper BHNeuron2020
Unbalanced Kantorovich-Rubinstein distance and barycenter for finitely supported measures: A statistical perspective(Open Access) Heinemann F, Klatt M, Munk AarXiv2022
Unbiased complexome profiling and global proteomics analysis reveals mitochondrial impairment and potential changes at the intercalated disk in presymptomatic R14 Δ/+ mice hearts(Open Access) Foo B, Amedei H, (...), Lehnart SEbioRxiv2024