Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Defective COX1 expression in aging mice liver(Open Access) Witte S, Boshnakovska A, Özdemir M, Chowdhury A, Rehling P, Aich ABiology Open2023
Observation of E-cadherin Adherens Junction Dynamics with Metal-Induced Energy Transfer Imaging and Spectroscopy(Open Access) Chen T, Karedla N, Enderlein JbioRxiv2023
In vitro reconstitution of chromatin domains(Open Access) Quililan K, Oberbeckmann E, Cramer P, Oudelaar AMbioRxiv2023
Intermittent Lead Exposure Induces Behavioral and Cardiovascular Alterations Associated with Neuroinflammation(Open Access) Shvachiy L, Amaro-Leal A, Outeiro TF, Rocha I, Geraldes VCells2023
SparseProp: Efficient Event-Based Simulation and Training of Sparse Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks(Open Access) Engelken RarXiv2023
The DZHK research platform: maximisation of scientific value by enabling access to health data and biological samples collected in cardiovascular clinical studies(Open Access) Hoffmann J, Hanß S, (...), Nauck NClinical Research in Cardiology2023
Excitation Intensity-Dependent Quantum Yield of Semiconductor Nanocrystals(Open Access) Ghosh S, Ross U, (...), Chizhik AIJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters2023
Impact of Phosphorylation on alpha-Synuclein Structural Determinants(Open Access) Dorn AE, de Bruyn E, (...), Carloni PbioRxiv2023
A quantitative fluorescence‐based approach to study mitochondrial protein import(Open Access) Jain N, Gomkale R, Bernhard O, Rehling P, Cruz‐Zaragoza LDEMBO reports2023
Mit Lichtstrahlen das Gehör wiederherstellen(Open Access) Moser TZeitschrift für Audiologie-Audiological Acoustics2023