Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Structural basis of catalytic activation in human splicing(Open Access) Schmitzová J, Cretu C, Dienemann C, Urlaub H, Pena VNature2023
Decoding and Recoding of mRNA Sequences by the Ribosome(Open Access) Rodnina MVAnnual Review of Biophysics2023
Human lung virtual histology by multi-scale x-ray phase-contrast computed tomography(Open Access) Reichmann J, Verleden SE, (...), Salditt TPhysics in Medicine & Biology2023
Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Planar Dielectric and Metallic SystemsChizhik AI, Ruhlandt D, Enderlein JPhotonic Quantum Technologies2023
In vitro and in vivo characterization of improved channelrhodopsin ChRmine variants for optogenetic activation of the auditory pathwayZerche M, Hunniford V, Witzke I, Wolf B, Mager T, Moser TLaryngo-Rhino-Otologie2023
Characterization of novel channelrhodopsin variants for blue-light optogenetic activation of the auditory pathwayRoos L, Garrido-Charles A, Wolf B, Kusch K, Mager T, Moser TLaryngo-Rhino-Otologie2023
From emergency response to long-term management: the many faces of the endemic state of COVID-19(Open Access) Contreras S, Iftekhar EN, Priesemann VLancet Regional Health - Europe2023
Cytochrome c oxidase biogenesis – from translation to early assembly of the core subunit COX1(Open Access) Dennerlein S, Rehling P, Richter‐Dennerlein RFEBS Letters2023
Quick Adaptive Ternary Segmentation: An Efficient Decoding Procedure For Hidden Markov Models(Open Access) Mösching A, Li H, Munk AarXiv2023
N 2-methylguanosine modifications on human tRNAs and snRNA U6 are important for cell proliferation, protein translation and pre-mRNA splicing(Open Access) Wang C, Ulryck N, (...), Graille MNucleic Acids Research2023