Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Multi-label in vivo STED microscopy by parallelized switching of reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins(Open Access) Willig KI, Wegner W, Müller A, Calvet-Fournier V, Steffens HCell Reports2021
Transmembrane β‐peptide helices as molecular rulers at the membrane surface(Open Access) Kloos M, Sharma A, Enderlein J, Diederichsen UJournal of Peptide Science2021
Graphene- and metal-induced energy transfer for single-molecule imaging and live-cell nanoscopy with (sub)-nanometer axial resolutionGhosh A, Chizhik AI, Karedla N, Enderlein JNature Protocols2021
Stable but not rigid: Chronic in vivo STED nanoscopy reveals extensive remodeling of spines, indicating multiple drivers of plasticity(Open Access) Steffens H, Mott AC, (...), Willig KIScience Advances2021
Structure of RNA polymerase II pre-initiation complex at 2.9 Å defines initial DNA openingSchilbach S, Aibara S, Dienemann C, Grabbe F, Cramer PCell2021
Structural basis of nucleosome transcription mediated by Chd1 and FACT(Open Access) Farnung L, Ochmann M, Engeholm M, Cramer PNature Structural & Molecular Biology2021
Radiative Rate Modulation Reveals Near‐Unity Quantum Yield of Graphene Quantum Dots(Open Access) Ghosh S, Oleksiievets N, Enderlein J, Chizhik AIAdvanced Optical Materials2021
Concurrent axon and myelin destruction differentiates X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy from multiple sclerosis(Open Access) Bergner CG, Genc N, (...), Stadelmann CGlia2021
Targeted metabolomics revealed changes in phospholipids during the development of neuroinflammation in Abcd1 tm1Kds mice and X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy patients(Open Access) Kettwig M, Klemp H, (...), Gärtner JJournal of Inherited Metabolic Disease2021
Dysfunction of RAB39B‐Mediated Vesicular Trafficking in Lewy Body Diseases(Open Access) Koss DJ, Campesan S, Giorgini F, Outeiro TFMovement Disorders2021