Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
A water-soluble manganese(II) octanediaoate/phenanthroline complex acts as an antioxidant and attenuates alpha-synuclein toxicity(Open Access) Queiroz DD, Ribeiro TdP, (...), Pereira MDBiochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease2022
Structure of the myenteric plexus in normal and diseased human ileum analyzed by X-ray virtual histology slices(Open Access) Veress B, Peruzzi N, (...), Ohlsson BWorld Journal of Gastroenterology2022
Expansion microscopy at one nanometer resolution(Open Access) Shaib AH, Chouaib AA, (...), Rizzoli SObioRxiv2022
Cryo-electron tomography suggests tubulin chaperones form a subset of microtubule lumenal particles with a role in maintaining neuronal microtubules(Open Access) Chakraborty S, Martinez-Sanchez A, (...), Mahamid JbioRxiv2022
Phosphorylation Determines Whether Neuroligin-3 is at Excitatory or Inhibitory Synapses in Different Regions of the Brain(Open Access) Altas B, Tuffy LP, (...), Poulopoulos AbioRxiv2022
Functional Neuroligin-2-MDGA1 interactions differentially regulate synaptic GABA A Rs and cytosolic gephyrin aggregation(Open Access) Zeppillo T, Ali H, (...), Krueger-Burg DbioRxiv2022
A sequential two-step priming scheme reproduces diversity in synaptic strength and short-term plasticity(Open Access) Lin K, Taschenberger H, Neher EProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2022
Diversity of Ganglion Cell Responses to Saccade-like Image Shifts in the Primate Retina(Open Access) Nitsche S, Khani MH, (...), Gollisch TbioRxiv2022
From Molecular to Functional Effects of Different Environmental Lead Exposure Paradigms(Open Access) Shvachiy L, Amaro-Leal A, Outeiro TF, Rocha I, Geraldes VBiology-Basel2022
Structure of angiogenin dimer bound to double-stranded RNA(Open Access) Sievers K, Ficner RActa Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology Communications2022