Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
A fluorescent nanosensor paint reveals the heterogeneity of dopamine release from neurons at individual release sites(Open Access) Elizarova S, Chouaib A, (...), Daniel JbioRxiv2021
Cryo-electron tomography of native Drosophila tissues vitrified by plunge freezing(Open Access) Bäuerlein FJ, Pastor-Pareja JC, Fernández-Busnadiego RbioRxiv2021
Folding of VemP into translation-arresting secondary structure is driven by the ribosome exit tunnel(Open Access) Kolář MH, Nagy G, Kunkel J, Vaiana SM, Bock LV, Grubmüller HbioRxiv2021
Super-resolution microscopy informs on the molecular architecture of alpha-synuclein inclusions in model systems and in the human brain(Open Access) Weish P, Lazaro DF, (...), Outeiro TFbioRxiv2021
Instant three color multi-plane fluorescence microscopy(Open Access) Gregor I, Butkevich E, Enderlein J, Mojiri SbioRxiv2021
Fast photoswitchable molecular prosthetics control neuronal activity in the cochlea(Open Access) Garrido-Charles A, Huet A, (...), Gorostiza PbioRxiv2021
Resolving the molecular architecture of the photoreceptor active zone by MINFLUX nanoscopy(Open Access) Grabner CP, Jansen I, (...), Moser TbioRxiv2021
Alpha-synuclein induces epigenomic dysregulation of glutamate signaling and locomotor pathways(Open Access) Schaffner SL, Wassouf Z, (...), Kobor MSbioRxiv2021
Structure of a transcribing RNA polymerase II–U1 snRNP complexZhang S, Aibara S, Vos SM, Agafonov DE, Lührmann R, Cramer PScience2021
A DNA-based optical force sensor for live-cell applicationsJayachandran C, Ghosh A, (...), Schmidt CFbioRxiv2021