Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Non‐negative blind deconvolution for signal processing in a CRISPR‐edited iPSC‐cardiomyocyte model of dilated cardiomyopathyXu H, Wali R, (...), Ebert AFEBS Letters2021
MINSTED fluorescence localization and nanoscopy(Open Access) Weber M, Leutenegger M, (...), Hell SWNature Photonics2021
Structures of mammalian RNA polymerase II pre-initiation complexesAibara S, Schilbach S, Cramer PNature2021
Astrocytes control the spiking of mouse visual cortex layer 5 pyramidal neurons(Open Access) Sundaram SM, Garg P, Leßlich HM, Mathivanan SJournal of Physiology-London2021
Multiple haplotype reconstruction from allele frequency dataPelizzola M, Behr M, Li H, Munk A, Futschik ANature Computational Science2021
Physics-based reconstruction methods for magnetic resonance imaging(Open Access) Wang X, Tan Z, Scholand N, Roeloffs V, Uecker MPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences2021
Gel-like inclusions of C-terminal fragments of TDP-43 sequester and inhibit proteasomes in neurons(Open Access) Riemenschneider H, Guo Q, (...), Edbauer DbioRxiv2021
Sequence determinants of human gene regulatory elements(Open Access) Sahu B, Hartonen T, (...), Taipale JbioRxiv2021
RIM-Binding Protein 2 organizes Ca2+ channel topography and regulates release probability and vesicle replenishment at a fast central synapse(Open Access) Butola T, Alvanos T, (...), Moser TbioRxiv2021
Dimeric form of SARS-CoV-2 polymerase(Open Access) Jochheim FA, Tegunov D, (...), Cramer PbioRxiv2021