Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Kantorovich-Rubinstein distance and barycenter for finitely supported measures: Foundations and Algorithms(Open Access) Heinemann F, Klatt M, Munk AarXiv2021
Global and local tension measurements in biomimetic skeletal muscle tissues reveals early mechanical homeostasis(Open Access) Hofemeier AD, Limón T, (...), Betz TeLife2021
Electronic laboratory notekeeping at the Göttingen Campus(Open Access) Kusch HZenodo2021
Phase Separation during Germline Development(Open Access) So C, Cheng S, Schuh MTrends in Cell Biology2021
Super-resolution imaging: when biophysics meets nanophotonics(Open Access) Koenderink AF, Tsukanov R, Enderlein J, Izeddin I, Krachmalnicoff VNanophotonics2021
Regulation of a subset of release-ready vesicles by the presynaptic protein Mover(Open Access) Pofantis E, Neher E, Dresbach TProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2021
Endogenous Levels of Alpha-synuclein Modulate Seeding and Aggregation in Cultured Cells(Open Access) Vasili E, Dominguez-Meijide A, (...), Outeiro TResearchsquare2021
NanoSIMS observations of mouse retinal cells reveal strict metabolic controls on nitrogen turnover(Open Access) Bonnin EA, Fornasiero EF, Lange F, Turck CW, Rizzoli SOBMC Molecular and Cell Biology2021
Maintaining mitochondrial ribosome function: The role of ribosome rescue and recycling factors(Open Access) Nadler F, Lavdovskaia E, Richter-Dennerlein RRNA Biology2021
Free-Breathing Water, Fat, R⋆2 and B0 Field Mapping of the Liver Using Multi-Echo Radial FLASH and Regularized Model-based Reconstruction (MERLOT)(Open Access) Tan Z, Rosenzweig S, (...), Uecker MarXiv2021