Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Engineered heart muscle allografts for heart repair in primates and humans(Open Access) Jebran AF, Seidler T, (...), Zimmermann WHNature2025
Computational functions of precisely balanced neuronal microcircuits in an olfactory memory network(Open Access) Meissner-Bernard C, Jenkins B, (...), Frank TCell Reports2025
Cryo-ET suggests tubulin chaperones form a subset of microtubule lumenal particles with a role in maintaining neuronal microtubules(Open Access) Chakraborty S, Martinez-Sanchez A, (...), Mahamid JProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2025
An avoidance segment resolves a lethal nuclear–mitochondrial targeting conflict during ribosome assemblyOborská-Oplová M, Geiger AG, (...), Panse VGNature Cell Biology2025
Active Intracellular Mechanics: A Key to Cellular Function and Organization(Open Access) Eskandari MA, Fischer J, Veyret N, Marx D, Betz TarXiv2025
Advanced fluorescence lifetime-enhanced multiplexed nanoscopy of cells(Open Access) Basak S, Tsukanov RMethods in Microscopy2025
Substituent Effects in Acetylated Phenyl Azopyrazole Photoswitches(Open Access) Tovtik R, Marzin D, Weigel P, Crespi S, Simeth NABeilstein Archives2025
Protein misfolding: understanding biology to classify and treat synucleinopathies(Open Access) Outeiro TF, Höglinger G, Lang AE, Vieira TCRGJournal of Neural Transmission2025
3D Computational Modeling of Defective Early Endosome Distribution in Human iPSC-Based Cardiomyopathy Models(Open Access) Saleem HN, Ignatyeva N, Stuut C, Jakobs S, Habeck M, Ebert ACells2024
Folate receptor α deficiency – Myelin‐sensitive MRI as a reliable biomarker to monitor the efficacy and long‐term outcome of a new therapeutic approach(Open Access) Dreha‐Kulaczewski S, Sahoo P, (...), Gärtner JJournal of Inherited Metabolic Disease2024