Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Preparing primary sandwich hippocampal neuron cultures for cryo-electron tomography v1(Open Access) Domart F, Petrovic A, Do TT, Siegert A, Dresbach T, Fernández-Busnadiego Rprotocols.io2024
Synthesis and Semi‐Synthesis of Alpha‐Synuclein: Insight into the Chemical Complexity of Synucleinopathies(Open Access) Gatzemeier LM, Meyer F, Outeiro TFChemBioChem2024
Distributional limits of graph cuts on discretized grids(Open Access) Suchan L, Li H, Munk AarXiv2024
Human induced pluripotent stem cells for live cell cycle monitoring and endogenous gene activation(Open Access) Kim R, Nagel SH, Liaw NY, Zimmermann W, Zelarayán LC, Schoger EStem Cell Research2024
mini-Complexome Profiling (mCP), an FDR-controlled workflow for global targeted detection of protein complexes(Open Access) Amedei H, Paul NB, (...), Lenz CFrontiers in Analytical Science2024
A versatile yeast model identifies the pesticides cymoxanil and metalaxyl as risk factors for synucleinopathies(Open Access) Amaral L, Mendes F, Côrte-Real M, Rego A, Outeiro TF, Chaves SRChemosphere2024
Visible and near-infrared light-induced photoclick reactionsFu Y, Simeth NA, Szymanski W, Feringa BLNature Reviews Chemistry2024
Visualizing chaperonin function in situ by cryo-electron tomography(Open Access) Wagner J, Carvajal AI, (...), Hartl FUNature2024
Optical control of pH via chromoselective photodosimetry(Open Access) Chaudhuri A, Eijsink LE, Simeth NAChemical Communications2024
A Technique to Perform Structure–Function Analysis of SynapsesWichmann C, Michanski SNeuromethods2024