Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
How Natural Enzymes and Synthetic Ribozymes Generate Methylated Nucleotides in RNAHöbartner C, Bohnsack KE, Bohnsack MTAnnual Review of Biochemistry2024
Computational functions of precisely balanced neuronal assemblies in an olfactory memory network(Open Access) Meissner-Bernard C, Jenkins B, (...), Frank TbioRxiv2024
α-Synuclein triggers cofilin pathology and dendritic spine impairment via a PrPC-CCR5 dependent pathway(Open Access) Oliveira da Silva MI, Santejo M, (...), Liz MACell Death & Disease2024
Integrated machine learning and multimodal data fusion for patho-phenotypic feature recognition in iPSC models of dilated cardiomyopathyWali R, Xu H, (...), Ebert ABiological Chemistry2024
Insights into cochlear structure by innovative light sheet fluorescence microscopy(Open Access) Roos L, Aakthe M, (...), Moser TLaryngo-Rhino-Otologie2024
In situ studies of membrane biology by cryo-electron tomography(Open Access) Keller J, Fernández-Busnadiego RCurrent Opinion in Cell Biology2024
Myosin II actively regulates Drosophila proprioceptors(Open Access) Guan C, Nishi K, Kreis CT, Bäumchen O, Göpfert MC, Schmidt CFbioRxiv2024
A role for astrocytic miR-129-5p in Frontotemporal Dementia(Open Access) Kaurani L, Pradhan R, (...), Fischer AbioRxiv2024
Microtubules: highway to … arrhythmia?(Open Access) Liutkute A, Prosser BL, Voigt NCardiovascular Research2024
Cerebellar Ex Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging at its Feasibility Limit: Up to 77-Microns Isotropic Resolution using Low-Bandwidth Balanced Steady State Free Precession (LoBa-bSSFP) Sequences and 3T Standard Equipment(Open Access) Weigel M, Dechent P, (...), Granziera CbioRxiv2024